Exercising with a Stoma
Coming to terms with an impending stoma surgery may seem daunting. It is likely you’ll feel apprehensive about exercising with a stoma and what life will be like post-surgery.
We understand how challenging this adjustment will seem.
Your well-being is of the utmost importance to us, and we feel it is essential that you have the right support as you navigate through this transition.
Pre-op ostomy exercises
Completing specific exercises before your operation helps to prepare your body for having a stoma. Due to the nature of the surgery, your abdominal muscles will become weakened.
Therefore, strengthening them prior to surgery helps you to recover quicker, and reduces your chance of a parastomal hernia. It is also important that you learn these exercises prior to surgery so that after your operation you are familiar with them and know how they should feel.
Pre-op ostomy exercises can also help you to mentally prepare for surgery, as well as provide you with some relaxation techniques to ease any anxiety or worries you may have.
Post-op ostomy exercises
Completing specific exercises can help your body to recover after surgery. As a result of the operation, your abdominal muscles will have become weaker, which makes you more susceptible to a parastomal hernia.
Therefore, when returning to exercise after stoma surgery it is advisable to gradually rebuild muscle strength to help you recover and return to normal activities. Recovering from surgery will have its challenges, it is different for everyone and it is not always an upwards curve.
It is completely normal to experience some bumps in the road along the way, so be patient with yourself and don’t force anything that feels uncomfortable.
Get access to Simple Steps, our complete exercise program for Ostomates, including Core Exercises for Ostomy Patients.
Can I exercise with a stoma?
Exercising with a stoma is still possible. Many people continue to jog, swim, or do gentle workouts without issues. It’s usually best to speak with a stoma nurse or doctor before starting, especially if surgery was recent.
Avoiding heavy lifting and intense activity for the first few months can help protect the area. A stoma support belt can also add stability and lower the risk of hernia.
Exercise program after Ileostomy, Colostomy & Urostomy Surgery
The first 6 weeks post-surgery is a very important period in the healing process. It is therefore vital to give your body the time to heal before beginning a colostomy, urostomy or ileostomy exercise program.
This means avoiding any heavy lifting (no heavier than a half-full kettle) within the first 6 weeks.
How long after an ostomy can I exercise?
Exercise is important for physical and mental wellbeing. Gentle exercise will help recovery after surgery, walking is a great way to start in the early days. The return to usual exercise may vary based on age, type of surgery, level of fitness before surgery. It is important to start slowly and gradually increase your exercise regime.
Intense exercise, especially heavy lifting, for the first 12 weeks after surgery.However, you should always check with your stoma nurse or doctor about when it’s safe for you to do so because every situation is unique and will have a different timeframe.
Minimising the risk of getting a stoma herniation
Preventing a stoma herniation is key to your recovery and healing. It’s important to strengthen your muscles in the correct way before beginning exercise or weight training with an ileostomy, urostomy or colostomy bag.
This will reduce the chance of a parastomal hernia. Hernias more commonly occur when the abdominal muscles are challenged and forced to push outwards. For example, during activities such as laughing, coughing/sneezing, lifting or getting in/out of the car.
We therefore advise you to use deep abdominal contraction exercises, to protect your stoma during these activities. It might be worth buying some supportive underwear to wear while exercising, something that is made from lycra such a cycling shorts or similar.
Can I play sport with a stoma?
If you’re a keen sports player, the good news is that there’s nothing to stop you from playing sports with a stoma. Plenty of men and women with stomas play football, rugby, and hockey as part of a team or single-person sports like boxing and judo.
If you have concerns that your stoma might get damaged, don’t worry; taking the proper precautions will protect it. Wearing a good quality stoma belt or shield can help and your stoma care nurse can support you with obtaining these. Also, try out different sports clothing for a snug fit; these include running tights and Lycra shorts, which can be worn over garments for added support.
You should empty your bag before playing sports to minimise its overfilling so you can enjoy your activity.
How do you protect a stoma in contact sports?
If you’re fully recovered from surgery, you can play team and contact sports with a stoma, but you need to take a couple of extra precautions. Wearing an ostomy belt or shield will help keep your pouch in place and prevent it from getting damaged; you should be able to obtain these from your stoma care nurse.
Exercise after stoma reversal
While you might not feel like it, the sooner you get up and about after the stoma reversal, the better. It will help you regain strength and aid your recovery. From there, you can slowly increase the miles you walk; after a month or so, you should be able to start light jogging. If weight training is part of your exercise regime, you should wait around six weeks before returning to lifting. Before you do so, make sure you speak to your stoma nurse or surgical team. You’ll likely need to start with lighter weights and increase them over time to prevent injury.