The impact of different foods on ostomy output | Food diary
I thought it might be a good idea to talk about the kind of food that I eat and the effect that it has on my ...
I thought it might be a good idea to talk about the kind of food that I eat and the effect that it has on my ...
Gaining excessive weight after stoma surgery is quite a common complaint amongst the ostomy community, and it...
Colorectal cancer is also known as bowel cancer. It affects the large intestine (the colon) which is made up ...
Have you wondered if everyone with a bowel stoma has to eat the same? We’ve put together the main differenc...
I’ve had quite a lot of issues with my stoma during the last 12 months.
I started experiencing leaks...
I don’t intend to get all mushy with this post, but I do want to acknowledge Valentine’s Day this mon...
As one year ends and another approach, we might be hearing phrases like “new year, new ...
One of the first things many new ostomates question is the bath/shower situation.
“Can I get the bag...
If since your spinal cord injury you’re less mobile and physically independent, you may be staying in parti...
Serves: 6
Time to prepare: 25 minutes
Time to cook: 45 minu...